IRMng is fully responsive, strives to follow Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, and is written using Google's Angular and Bootstrap 4. IRMng requires RDPWin version or above. IRMng supports the latest, stable releases of the major browsers and platforms: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer 10-11 and Microsoft Edge. Android 5.0 and above and iOS 9.0 and above devices are supported. Proxy browsers (such as Opera Mini, Opera Mobile's Turbo mode, UC Browser Mini, Amazon Silk) are not supported.

  1. Installation
  2. Content
  3. CSS Customization
  4. Analytics
  5. Marketing Site Integration
  6. Configuration
  7. Other Features

Contact RDP Support for installation information.

IRMng displays room number/room type content: short descriptions, thumbnails, photos, long descriptions as configured in IRMCMS.


IRMng caches content on the web server for 1-30 days (default is 7 days). While content is being actively modified, caching can be disabled so that changes can be viewed immediately. From RDPWin / IRM / IRMng Configuration -> 'Customize' tab, click the 'Disable Cache' button. From this configuration tab, caching can also be enabled, the currently cached items cleared and the time span for retaining cached items changed. IRM configuration settings are also cached on the web server, the cache is cleared when the configuration settings are modified. Room specific content is also cached within a browser session (for example room photos, amenities). If content is being actively modified, refresh the browser to clear room content cached by the browser session, ensuring that most the most recent content is retrieved.

IRMng is built using Bootstrap 4. Customization of the Bootstrap styling is accomplished using Sass variables, which are then compiled to css. For example, the color scheme would be modified by changing the $theme-colors map: $theme-colors: ( "primary": #0056b6, "secondary": #5a6268, "info": #018295, "success":#02842c, "warning": #977000, "danger": #c82333, );

Bootstrap has a documented process for Sass customization and compilation, the end result of which is a single minified css file. Place that file in the c:\inetpub\wwwroot\RdpRepository\IRM\CSS<server>\<resort> folder and use ConfigNg to specify the url in the Startup Settings configuration. Alternatively, the url to the custom css may exist on some other web server. To implement a custom theme, customers should engage a knowledgable web professional. Bootstrap is common in the industry and many professionals are familiar with it.

Alternatively, free themes are available from Bootswatch. These examples illustrate the free Bootswatch themes applied to the RDP IRMng demo. RDP cautions against purchasing a Bootstrap based website template for use with IRMng. The styling in these can be customized to suit the pages included in the template, which will not necessarily work well with IRMng.

IRMng / Bootstrap Version Compatibility

ngSuite Version Bootstrap Version
5.4.001.xx 4.6.1
5.3.001.xx 4.6.1
5.2.003.xx 4.5.3
5.2.000.xx 4.3.1
5.1.006.xx 4.3.1
5.1.003.xx 4.1.3
5.1.002.xx 4.0.0

IRMng supports Google Analytics 4 through Google Tag Manager, which allows customers to configure which tracking tags to include. More information on how to use Google Analytics 4 (as of ngSuite with IRMng.

6.1 Startup Settings

A variety of configuration settings are needed to display the initial IRMng screen. Configure these settings by clicking the 'Startup Settings' button on the Customize tab. If the IRM web server text box is blank, first fill that in and Save, for example: Configurable startup settings include:

  • General Settings
    • Custom Theme Css File Name: Custom Theme Css File Name: Optional Bootstrap 4 minified custom css file, located in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\RDPRepository\IRM\CSS
    • Additional Css File Name: Optional additional CSS file for use if applicable with custom HTML content. Located in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\RDPRepository\IRM\CSS
    • Default Error Message: Error message to display if an unexpected failure occurs
    • Navbar Title: Optional text to display in upper left of navigation bar
    • Navbar Class: Default is a navigation bar with light background and dark text (navbar-light bg-light). This can be changed, for example a dark background with light text, set this to navbar-dark bg-primary
    • Logo Image Url: Optional logo to display in upper left of navigation bar
    • Logo Image Width: Display width dimension in pixels of the logo image
    • Logo Image Height: Display height dimension in pixels of the logo image
    • Logo Hyperlink Address: Optional url for logo to link to
    • Custom HTML Page Header: Optional custom html to display above the navigation bar on every IRMng page
    • Page Footer: Optional custom html to display below all content on every IRMng page
    • Search Information: Optional custom html to display above the search criteria on the IRMng search page (irmng/#/search)
    • Available Rooms Information: Optional custom html to display above the available rooms list on the IRMng availability page (irmng/#/availability)
    Note that optional custom html for other IRMng pages (reserve, confirm, /etc) can be configured from RDPWin as described below under Optional Reservation Info, etc
  • Date Options
    • Default Nights: Default stay length
    • Minimum Nights: Minimum stay length
    • Maximum Nights: Maximum stay length
    • Earliest Arrival Date: Arrival date must be this many days from the current date (0 allows same day arrivals)
    • Latest Arrival Date: Arrival date must be this number of months from the current date
  • People Options: for each of People 1 - People 4
    • Hide: Show or hide this people category
    • Label: Label for this people category
    • Default Count: Default value for this people category
    • Maximum Count: Maximimum value for this people category
    • Tooltip: Tooltip to display when people label is clicked or tapped
  • Labels - override these labels with customized values. Note that additional labels can be customized from RDPWin, see 'Labels' below
    • Arrival
    • Departure
    • Check Availability
    • Promo Code
    • Available Rooms
  • Optional Features
    • Show Contact Us: Show the 'Contact Us' menu item in the navigation bar. Contact us content can be customized from RDPWin
    • Show Advanced Search: Enable the advanced search section. Which dropdowns to include (preferences, roomtype, etc) must be configured from RDPWin
    • Allow Group Login: Show the 'Group Login' menu item in the navigation bar
    • Allow Travel Agent Login: Show the 'Travel Agent' menu item in the navigation bar
    • Allow Promo Codes: Show or hide the promo code text box
    • Allow View Reservations:Show the 'My Reservations' menu item in the navigation bar. From RDPWin, configure whether reservation cancellations or adding Virtual Store items to reservations is allowed
    • Show Property Wide Information: Optionally display a property wide availability calendar, description and photos below the search criteria. Select which of these to display from RDPWin / IRM / IRMng Configuration -> Reservations tab
    • Show By Property Code Information: Optionally display a property code availability calendar, descriptionand photos below the search criteria. Select which of these to display from RDPWin / IRM / IRMng Configuration -> Customize tab, Property Codes button
    • Allow Browse All Rooms: Show the 'Browse All' menu item in the navigation bar to view a list of all rooms or room types, whether they are available or not. The menu item label can be customized from ConfigNg.
    If all of the optional features that result in IRMng menu items are disabled and no navbar title and no logo image url are configured, the IRMng navigation bar will be hidden. This allows a customized menu to be created by populating the Custom HTML Page Header under 'General Settings'.
  • Maps Api Config: Google Maps requires an api key. If the Map tab will be used, obtain a key from Googleand save it here. To use the maps api, Google requires that a valid credit card be on file with billing enabled for the api project and that the Geocoding and Maps JavaScript apis be enabled. A monthly quota of api calls is allowed by Google at no charge, see Google's documentation for details.

6.2 Labels

From RDPWin / IRM / IRMng Configuration -> Customize tab, click the 'Labels' button to override IRMng labels with customized values (for example override 'Reserve' label with 'Book Now'). Note that the subset of labels used on the IRMng search criteria page are configured from 'Startup Settings'.

Label ID Default Label
ApplyPropertyChanges Apply
BalanceDue Balance Due
CancelPolicy Accept cancellation policy
CancelPolicyHeading Cancellation Policy
Currency $
DailyCharge Daily Charge
GroupID Group # or email
GuestID Guest # or email
LocationCode Location
MakeReservation Make Reservation
MaxPeople Max People
NightlyRate Nightly Rate
Note Comments
Phone1 Phone number
Phone2 Phone number
PrivacyPolicyHeading Privacy Policy
PropertyCode Property
Reserve Reserve
RoomCharge Room
RoomNumber Room #
RoomType Room Type
RoomTypeGrouping Room Type Group
SelectProperties Select Properties
SelectRoom Select Room
Tax Tax
TotalForStay Total for Stay
VacationProtection Vaction Protection
ViewRates Rates
Activities Activities Virtual Store
Activity Activity Virtual Store
AddServices Add Services Virtual Store
Categories Cateogries Virtual Store
SkipThisStep Skip This Step Virtual Store
Vendors Vendors Virtual Store

6.3 Messages

From RDPWin / IRM / IRMng Configuration -> Customize tab, click the 'Messages' button to override some IRMng error messages with customized values.

Message ID Default Message Usage Note
BookingCutoffTime Arrivals for today are cutoff
CompanionResUnavail Unavailable for the requested dates
DoNotRentLogin Login failed
ExceedsMaxPeople Exceeds maximum people allowed
InvalidResEntryLogin Invalid login id or password
MinimumNights Minimum stay is [*NIGHTS*] nights
NoAvailability No availability for the selected dates
NoCancelCutoff Not Allowed Text to display if reservation cancellation is not allowed due to arrival not outside cutoff
NoCancelDepositPaid Not Allowed Text to display if reservation cancellation is not allowed due to deposit already paid
NoLongerAvailable Room is no longer available
NoRate Rate not available
Offline Our site is currently undergoing scheduled maintenance and will return shortly Take IRMng offline by checking the 'IRM Unavailable' radio button on RDPWin -> IRM/Configuration 'Miscellaneous' tab
PromoCodeAddendum Text to be appended to promo code error message
RoomNotAvailable Not available for the selected dates
UnsubscribeSuccess <h5>You have been successfully unsubscribed</h5>

6.4 Room Labels

From RDPWin / IRM / IRMng Configuration -> Customize tab, click the 'Room Labels' button to configure how rooms should be labeled in the available rooms list. Choose to label either by room type, room number (preassign only), room type and room number (preassign only) or alternate room names. Alternatively use Extended Unit Content as configured in IRMCMS. From RDPWin / IRM / IRMng Configuration -> CMS tab, check the 'Use in IRMng' checkbox to enable using Ad Content Headline for room labels.

6.5 Room Type Order

From RDPWin / IRM / IRMng Configuration -> Customize tab, click the 'Room Type Order' button to configure how room types should be ordered. This order will be used if the custom room type order checkbox is checked.

6.6 Rates

For optimum performance, RDP highly recommends configuring a base rate from RDPWin / Reservations / Configuration -> New Res tab. The base rate component can be generated from a Rate Set or BAR, with an optional percentage or dollar amount discount applied. The rates will be precalculated and stored for quick retrieval by IRMng. Enable display of the base rate from RDPWin / IRM / IRMng Configuration -> Reservation tab by checking the 'Show base room rate' checkbox. Also specify how it should be labeled.

If a guest chooses a room to book without viewing and selecting from the available rate plans, the configured default rate plan will be used. Alternatively, check the 'Do not automatically use default rate plan if guest has not selected one' checkbox. With this option, the button available from the room description/calendar/photos/etc tabs will be a 'Rates' button. Clicking it will display the available rates from which the guest can choose. The label of the Rates button can be customized from RDPWin / IRM / IRMng Configuration -> Customize tab, 'Labels' button, by changing the value for the ViewRates label.

From RDPWin / IRM / IRMng Configuration -> Customize tab, click the 'Rate Description' button to configure optional rate plan names and descriptions (descriptions can include html) to be displayed on the available rooms list 'Rates' tab below the rate name and nightly rate value. If no rate plan names are specified here, then the 18 character description from the rate configuration will be used as the rate name.

6.7 Block Reasons

From RDPWin / IRM / IRMng Configuration -> Customize tab, click the 'Block Reasons' button to configure the plain text message that will be displayed when dates are blocked. Configure the blocked dates from RDPWin / IRM / Configuration -> Blocked Dates tab.

6.8 Cancellation Policies

From RDPWin / IRM / IRMng Configuration -> Customize tab, click the 'Cancellation Policies' button to configure the cancellation policy text that will be displayed in IRMng when booking a reservation (cancellation policies can include html). Cancellation policy text can be configured by rate plan. Leave the rate plan dropdown blank to configure the default cancellation policies. The 'Cancellation Policy' heading can be configured from the Labels button.

6.9 Optional Reservation Info

From RDPWin / IRM / IRMng Configuration -> Customize tab, click the 'Optional Reservation Info' button to configure custom html that will be displayed above the Reservation Summary on the IRMng booking page (irmng/#/reserve). Optional reservation information can be configured by rate plan. Leave the rate plan dropdown blank to configure the default reservation information.

6.10 Optional Confirmation Info

From RDPWin / IRM / IRMng Configuration -> Customize tab, click the 'Optional Confirmation Info' button to configure custom html that will be displayed above the Reservation Confirmation summary on the IRMng confirmation page (irmng/#/confirm).

6.11 Content Tabs

From RDPWin / IRM / IRMng Configuration -> Customize tab, click the 'Content Tabs' button to configure which room content tabs will be enabled (Photos, Map, Amenities, etc), how to label them and which icon to use in the phone view. Check the 'Hidden' checkbox for any tabs that will not be used. Font Awesome icons are used to identify content tabs on a small screen, enter the font awesome icon name (for example fa-photo) to override the defaults.

Default Tab Label Default Icon Name
Description fa-home Shows room short description and thumbnail by room number or room type as configured in IRMCMS. Optionally maximum occupancy and base room rate (enabled from RDPWin). Alternatively IRMCMS Extended Content can be used for the short description. From RDPWin / IRM / IRMng Configuration -> CMS tab, check the 'Use in IRMng' checkbox to enable using extended unit content for short descriptions, then choose from the radio buttons whether to use the Ad Summary, Ad Description or Unit Description (as configured in IRMCMS).
Rates fa-usd Shows rate details of all applicable rate plans
Photos fa-photo Shows a carousel of room, room type, and property photos (as configured in IRMCMS)
Calendar fa-calendar Shows a room/room type availability calendar. Optionally display daily base room rate (enabled from RDPWin)
Map fa-map-marker Shows a Google map of the property location. Requires a Google maps api key, configured from IRMng Startup Settings
Amenities fa-list Shows list of room preference values or Enhanced Amenities as configured in IRMCMS
Details fa-info Shows room details by room number or room type as configured in IRMCMS. Alternatively IRMCMS Extended Content can be used for the room details (preassign mode only). From RDPWin / IRM / IRMng Configuration -> CMS tab, check the 'Use in IRMng' checkbox to enable using extended unit content for room details, then click the 'Customize Details' button to select which extended unit content items to include and in what order
Custom fa-star Shows content from DescMore.htm files found in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\RdpRepository\IRM\Content\<server>\rdp<xx>\UserHtml folder. Naming convention is that files named with room number will be searched for first (<roomNumber>DescMore.htm), then files named with room type (<roomType>DescMore.htm). If neither of the above is found then content of defaultDescMore.htm will be displayed.

6.12 Calendar Legend

From RDPWin / IRM / IRMng Configuration -> Customize tab, click the 'Calendar Legend' button to customize the availability calendar legend text and colors.

Default Legend Text Default Color
Vacant #FFFFFF
Occupied #F89297

6.13 Email Templates

From RDPWin / IRM / IRMng Configuration -> Customize tab, click the 'Email Templates' button to configure which html email template should be used for emails sent by IRMng. Email templates should be located in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\RdpRepository\IRM\EmailTemplates. Samples responsive templates are included in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\IRMng\assets\emailTemplates. Do not modify the templates in the IRMng\assets folder; instead copy to RDPRepository\IRM\EmailTemplates and modify and/or rename them there. If property codes are in use, email templates can be configured uniquely per property code.

Email ID Default Email Subject Default Email Template Usage
RecoverPassword Recover Password HTMLRecoverpassword.htm Recover of a forgotten guest password is handled by changing the old password to a temporary password, emailing the temp password to the guest, which they can then change.
PaymentConfirmation Payment Confirmation HTMLPaymentConfirmation.htm After a payment is made via the [*paymentaddress*] link in a reservation confirmation, an email can optionally be sent to the guest confirming the payment.

6.14 Contact Us Info

From RDPWin / IRM / IRMng Configuration -> Customize tab, click the 'Contact Us Info' button to configure custom html that will be displayed when 'Contact Us' is clicked from the IRMng navigation bar (must be enabled from Startup Settings / Optional Features). If no custom content is configured, a generic 'For assistance, please call us' message will be displayed.

6.15 Optional View Reservations Info

From RDPWin / IRM / IRMng Configuration -> Customize tab, click the 'View Reservations Info' button to configure custom html that will be displayed above the reservations list displayed from 'My Reservations' in the IRMng navigation bar (must be enabled from Startup Settings / Optional Features).

6.16 Virtual Store

IRMng uses the IRM virtual store configuration from RDPWin / IRM / Configuration -> Virtal Store tab. In addition to supporting the IRM configuration options, category, vendor and activity descriptions can be hidden. This may be preferable when images for these are being displayed. Virtual store items can be added to existing reservations, either directly after booking or from 'My Reservations' or via a [*addservicesaddress*] link in the reservation confirmation. Enable these features from RDPWin / IRM / Configuration -> Virtual Store tab. Use the 'Add Services Info' button to specify custom html to be displayed after a reservation is booked, next to the Add Services button. This allows guests to have another opportunity to add virtual store items to their booking.

From RDPWin / IRM / IRMng Configuration -> Customize tab, click the 'Virtual Store Info' button to configure custom html that will be displayed above the Add Services summary on the IRMng virtual store page (irmng/#/virtualstore). Requires that the Virtual Store be installed, configured and in use. Click the 'Labels' button to customize text for the following labels: Categories, Vendors, Activities, Activity, Skip This Step, Add Services.

Category, vendor and/or activity images can be displayed. Place the images (either .jpg or .png format) in c:/inetpub/wwwroot/RdpRepository/IRM/Content<data server>/rdp<xx>/Images/VirtualStore. Category images should be named with the SubRecord value from the VT (Vendor Type) table, for example LESSON.jpg. Vendor images should be named with the Vendor name from the activity vendors file, for example COPPER.jpg. Activity images should be named with the SubRecord value from the VP (Activity) table, for example MR5700.jpg.

Category, vendor and/or activity description files can be displayed. Place the .htm in c:/inetpub/wwwroot/RdpRepository/IRM/Content<data server>/rdp<xx>/UserHtml/VirtualStore. Category html files should be named with the SubRecord value from the VT (Vendor Type) table, for example LESSON.htm. Vendor html files should be named with the Vendor name from the activity vendors file, for example COPPER.htm. Activity html should be named with the SubRecord value from the VP (Activity) table, for example MR5700.htm.

6.17 SSL Certificate Site Seal

A site seal is a visual indicator that lets visitors know that IRMng has an SSL certificate. Code for displaying a site seal may be furnished by the SSL certificate provider (For example Comodo, GoDaddy, etc). The following details how to display a GoDaddy site seal on IRMng. The specifics will vary for other providers.

  1. Specify a span tag with an id of 'siteseal' in the custom footer html (CMSng / Custom Html) This provides a placeholder for where the site seal will be displayed. The following example centers the site seal on the screen and adds some margin above and below it:
    <div class='text-center mt-2 mb-2'><span id='siteseal'></span></div>
  2. Configure an additional script file using CMSng / Configuration / General Settings which contains the script below. The specific sealID represented by xxxxx in the example will be provided by GoDaddy. Assistance from RDP support will be needed to put this additional script file in place on the IRM server.
    let node = document.createElement('script');
    node.src = '';

7.1 Availability List Tags

When the system is in inventory mode, optionally configure IRMng to display an inventory tag (Only 2 left) next to room types in the availability list when inventory is low. From RDPWin / IRM / IRMng Configuration -> Reservations tab, check the 'Show inventory tag' check box to enable this feature. Also select at what inventory limit this tag should be shown. When inventory is less than or equal to the configured limit, the tag will display. Inventory tags will not display if the 'Browse All' list is being displayed, as there are no arrival/departure dates to apply.

Custom tags can also be configured (RDPWin / IRM / IRMng Configuration -> Reservation tab, 'Custom Tags' button), which is supported when IRM is configured for either inventory or preassign mode. When in inventory mode, add custom tags by room type. When in preassign mode, tags can be added for either room types, room numbers or a combination of both. As many tags as desired can be specified for any room type or room number. All tags that pertain to a room type/room number will be displayed. Use the up/down buttons to control the order in which the tags appear. If inventory tags (Only 'x' left) are also enabled, custom tags will display after the inventory tag ( only applicable when IRM is in inventory mode). The characters '~' and '|' cannot be included in the tag text as they have special meaning internally and will be replaced by spaces if encountered.

Optionally, custom tags can be configured to only display if the stay dates are within or overlap the configured dates for the tag.

A CSS class can be chosen for each custom tag, which will affect what the background color of the tag will be. If no css class is specified, badge-danger will be used. The precise colors will depend on the Bootstrap theme being used. If the IRMng default theme is in use, the classes correspond to the following background colors:

  • badge-danger = red
  • badge-dark = dark grey
  • badge-info = light blue
  • badge-light = light grey
  • badge-primary = blue
  • badge-secondary = grey
  • badge-success = green
  • badge-warning = yellow

7.2 Property Wide Information

Optionally configure IRMng to display on the initial view, below the search criteria, property wide information. Select from property availability calendar, property wide photo carousel, property description. Enable this feature from RDPWin / IRM / IRMng Configuration -> Customize tab, 'Startup Settings'. In the Optional Features section, check the 'Show Property Wide Information' checkbox. Then, from RDPWin / IRM / IRMng Configuration -> Reservations tab, optionally check the 'Include property wide photos' and 'Include property description' checkboxes as desired. Click 'Edit Description' to enter or modify the property wide description text.

7.3 Multiple Property Codes

If multiple property codes are in use (switch 422-12), optionally configure IRMng to display on the initial view, below the search criteria, description information and photo for each property code. From there, guest can select a property code for which to Search for Availablity. Enable this feature from RDPWin / IRM / IRMng Configuration -> Customize tab, 'Startup Settings'. In the Optional Features section, check the 'Show By Property Code Information' checkbox (switch 422-12 must be set to Yes in order to see this option). From RDPWin / IRM / IRMng Configuration -> Customize tab, 'Property Codes' button, select each property code to optionally customize the following:

  • Property Name: Property name displays above search button and in navigation bar once this property has been selected
  • Property Description: optional descriptive text (can include html) to display on search view
  • Property Photo URL: optional url to a property photo to display on search view
  • Header Html: optional header html to display at the top of each page once this property has been selected
  • Footer Html: optional header html to display at the bottom of each page once this property has been selected
  • Custom Css: optional Bootstrap 4 css file to be used once this property has been selected (e.g. property01.css). Place this file in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\rdprepository\IRM\css folder
  • Navbar Class: optionally specify bootstrap css classes to be used for havigation bar (e.g. navbar-light bg-light OR navbar-dark bg-primary)
  • Logo Url: optional url to logo image to appear in navigation bar once this property has been selected
  • Logo Height: logo height in pixels
  • Logo Width: logo width in pixels
  • Logo Href: optional url for the logo to link to
  • Default Error Message: optional custom error message to be used once this property has been selected, for unexpected errors
  • Check the 'Show By Property Code Availability Calendars' checkbox for a calendar for each property code to be displayed

Another per property code customization alternative is to not enable 'Show By Property Code Information', instead pass a property code in as a query parameter. For example: https://<irmserver>/irmng/index.html?propertyCode=01. If custom css, header html, footer html, etc are configured by property code as described above, the applicable theming for the property code passed in will be applied.

7.4 Multiple Resorts

IRMng supports two separate methods for displaying availability from multiple resort directories. Configure to use one method or the other.

Method 1

If multiple resort directories are in use, optionally configure IRMng to display on the initial view, below the search criteria, property wide information for each property. From there, guest can select a property for which to Search for Availablity. First enable the property wide content as in 7.2 Property Wide Information above, also check the 'Show property calendars for multiple resorts' checkbox. From RDPWin / IRM / Configuration -> Multiple Resorts tab, specify which resort directories to include, the property name and UNC data path to the resort directory (\\<dataserver>\rdpnt\rdp\rdp<xx>). Use the Up/Down buttons to indicate the order in which to display the properties. Configure the Multiple Resorts tab from each of the included resort directories.

Method 2

Alternatively, when IRM is configured for inventory reservations, availability from multiple resorts can be shown in a single available rooms list. Enabled this feature from RDPWin / IRM / Configuration -> Multiple Resorts tab, 'Enable Multiple Resorts Availability' checkbox. Indicate which resorts to include in the availability list and in what order, as well as room type order within the list. Enable this feature from each of the resort directories to be included, the display order can be unique from each resort. Further customize the display with the following:

  • Resort Name: Used to label the 'Filter Results' checkboxes and above each room type label in the availability list
  • Subtitle HTML: Optionally appears before each resort's availabilty list. Also check the 'Display Resort Subtitle' checkbox
  • Select Heading: Optionally appears before each resort's Filter Results checkbox (for example could include a logo). Also check the 'Display Resort Select Heading' checkbox
For the filter by property checkboxes to display on the search criteria view, from 'Startup Settings' configuration, check the 'Show Advanced Search' under Optional Features. Configure the multiple resort availability feature from each of the resort directories to be included.

As of IRMng, availability from multiple resorts in preassign mode can be shown in a single available rooms list. To manage the total amount of data included in the combined list: first a list of available room types (or room type grouping codes) will be displayed. Select from that list to see a list of available room numbers. If rates are configured by room number, then the rates tab should be hidden when room types are being displayed (RDPWin IRM / Configuration -> Multiple Resort tab)

7.5 Cutoff Time for Same Day Arrivals

When IRMng is configured to allow booking for same day arrivals, a cutoff time of day can be specified. Reservations will not be allowed to be booked after the cutoff time. Enable this feature from RDPWin / IRM / IRMng Configuration -> Reservations tab. Check the 'Cutoff same day bookings' checkbox and specify the time of day. The time specified must be of the timezone of the location of the IRM server, in 24 hour time. The message displayed when the cutoff time for same day arrivals is past can be configured at RDPWin / IRM / IRMng Configuration -> Customize tab, click the 'Messages' button. Customize the text for the BookingCutoffTime message id.

7.6 Website Icon (favicon)

To display the customer's own icon in the browser's address bar, copy their custom favicon.ico file to the c:\inetpub\wwwroot\RdpRepository folder on the IRM web server.

7.7 Privacy Policy

Optionally display privacy policy information on the booking page (above the Make Reservation button), including how personal data will be used. This description can be html, including a link to customer's full privacy policy document or web page. Optionally allow a customer to opt-in or opt-out of their email address being used for mass marketing. Configure these options in RPDWin / IRMng Configuration -> Guests tab. Click the 'Edit Privacy Policy Text' button to input privacy policy information. Choose from the radio buttons to allow guests to opt-in or opt-out or don't display the opt-in/out checkbox at all. If the opt-in/out checkbox is in use, specify how it should be labelled. The Privacy Policy heading can be configured from the Labels button.

Enable using IRMng for an unsubscribe link in reservation confirmations from RDPWin / IRM /IRMng Configuration -> Guests tab, check 'Use IRMng for unsubscribe link in confirmations'. If th unsubscribe link it followed, IRMng will change the update the guest history record to opt-out of mass marketing, then display a confirmation message. The default message is 'You have been successfully unsubscribed'. This text can be customized from IRMng Configuration -> Customize tab, Messages button, 'UnsubscribeSuccess'.

7.8 Cookie Law Support

The cookie law refers to privacy legislation that some countries have passed which requires websites to obtain consent from visitors to store and retrieve any information on a computer, phone or tablet - specifically cookies. IRMng itself does not use cookies; however, Google Analytics and most other tracking technologies that customers may add to IRMng do use cookies.

When tracking technologies (including Google Analytics) are in use, IRMng can be cookie law compliant by enabling 'Require cookie consent' from RDPWin -> IRM / IRMng Configuration 'Guests' tab. When enabled, a banner informing the guest that cookies are used will be displayed, optionally with a link to more information and a button to Allow Cookies. The consent message and url to detailed cookie policy information are also configurable.

If consent is given, then the Google Tag Manager data layer will be populated and a 'cookieConsent' event will be added to the data layer so that tracking tags can respond appropriately to whether consent was given. If consent is not given, then the Google Tag Manager data layer will not be populated, and the 'cookieConsent' event not added. Tracking tags in Google Tag Manager that use cookies, should be configured to check this event and not proceed with tracking if consent was not given.

The guest will only be asked once on any given device for consent.

7.9 Upgrade Options

When IRM is configured for inventory reservations, up to two upgrade options per room type can be configured. For each room type, up to two alternative room types can be specified, to which the guest can optionally choose to upgrade their booking. Upgrade options will display below the reservation summary after a guest has selected a room type to book. The room type upgrade names, along with an optional description and difference in room charge will be displayed. If the guest chooses to upgrade, the reservation rate will be recalculated for the upgraded room type and the reservation summary updated. Booking will proceed with the upgraded room type. Configure upgrade options from RDPWin / IRM / IRMng Configuration -> Customize tab 'Upgrade Options' button.

7.10 Custom Alert Messages

Custom informational messages to be displayed at the top of the availability list can be configured (RDPWin / IRM / IRMng Configuration -> Reservation tab, 'Custom Alerts' button), which is supported when IRM is configured for either inventory or preassign mode. Optionally, custom alert messages can be configured to display if the stay dates are within or overlap the configured dates for the message. As many messages as desired can be specified. All messages that pertain to the selected arrival/departure dates will be displayed. Use the up/down buttons to control the order in which the messages appear.

A CSS class can be chosen for each custom message, which will affect what the background color of the message will be. If no css class is specified, no background color is applied. The precise colors will depend on the Bootstrap theme being used. If the IRMng default theme is in use, the classes correspond to the following background colors:

  • alert-danger = red
  • alert-dark = dark grey
  • alert-info = light blue
  • alert-light = light grey
  • alert-primary = blue
  • alert-secondary = grey
  • alert-success = green
  • alert-warning = yellow